Exporting Italian excellence in road and highway services worldwide.
This is Ecogest’s corporate philosophy which also coincides with its mission: to represent the often submerged but effective network of small and medium-sized companies that have continued to support the Italian economy during the economic crisis, guaranteeing and maintaining stable employment levels by holding the Made in Italy banner high in terms of expertise and know-how in Europe and in the rest of the international production markets.
A philosophy whose loadstar includes profitability is just one of its guiding in principles but actually makes ethics, production organization, gravitas, and professionalism its business objectives, by maintaining a high social profile while respecting the typical entrepreneurial vocation of each company.
This is why Ecogest continues in its entrepreneurial tradition, now already in its second generation, by maintaining constant respect for the fundamental principles of quality, safety, and organization, while being aware that the generational renewal must be matched by an appropriate, modern corporate organization.
Thanks to the determination and inspiration of the ownership, we decided to manage the company with support from a highly qualified, skilled management team with the perfect mix of solid experience and new organizational vision in order to meld the old tried and trusted operating traditions with a clear, forward-looking strategic perspective and vision, vital not only for facing all new the challenges are thrown up by the evolution of the internal market, but, above all, to continue and complete that path of internationalization which will come to be, and in the not too distant future, the truly demanding challenge for Ecogest.

Corporate Presentation

Ecogest: every day, for the environment

We support valuable sport

Energreen alongside Ecogest

Code of Ethics

Model 231