To protect, reward and enhance human, social and environmental capital.
Corporate social responsibility has an important and concrete meaning for Ecogest ; it is directed, in fact, to protect , to reward and enhance human , but also social and environmental capital, as a result of which our company has been on the market for over half a century.
Employees, wherever they operate, and of any of the 14 nationalities present, remain at the center of Ecogest’s production system; in 2017, after the closing of the financial statements, we distributed 4% of EBITDA to all employees , and adjusted wages as a sign of appreciation and confirmation of the principles of meritocracy that have always guided Ecogest and its ownership .
For us, multiculturalism is a core value. The Ecogest workforce represents the cultural and international integration between languages, religions and traditions, which enrich the human heritage of Ecogest , reflecting its identity on the global market.
All with equal duties, but also with equal rights, assisted also in relation to possible linguistic difficulties, but aware that for us at Ecogest each individual is equally valued regardless of race, religion, language.
The inclusion of four refugees from the African continent, who are refugees for humanitarian reasons, in coordination with local authorities is part of this pluralistic concept that is also open to social issues.
Although sport is a focus of Corporate Social Responsibility for Ecogest ; we wanted to give substance to this commitment through the sponsorship of the Derthona Basket basketball team that plays in the Italian Serie A, and which has always been mindful of the youth sector and to initiatives of social relevance in the area.
Ecogest also sponsors the Circolo Velico Ravennate which, alongside racing, regattas, major international sporting events, cruises, and the undoubted sporting depth of its members, and great friendships and sailing education above, has also made a massive contribution and testimony to the development of maritime culture, which traditionally belongs to this area.
Another of Ecogest’s sponsorships is the Roma Waterpolo, whose main feature is to promote sport through the water polo school in different centers of the Italian capital, with special attention to the younger people, bringing a physical but noble sport, such as water polo, to the most disadvantaged neighborhoods, and removing very young men rather than ahletes from the typical risks of the street.
Teamwork, passion for the challenge and continuous commitment to improvement , are values of a sport that naturally converge with ours.
These are all initiatives that testify to the continuous integration between Ecogest and its ” environment ” truly a sustainable and responsible integration.

Ecogest: every day, for the environment

We support valuable sport